Hormone Replacement For Women

Women’s Hormone Replacement Therapy in Torrance, CA

Dr. Judi Goldstone and staff are ready to assist you in your journey to regain peak health and reclaim your life. After a comprehensive review of your symptoms, a thorough physical exam and laboratory analysis, Dr. Goldstone can help determine if Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is right for you.

Preserving and improving your health is worth every possible effort. Dismissing treatable symptoms not only detracts from the quality of your life, it can greatly impact your general health.

Bioidentical Hormones and Your Body

There is confusion over exactly what Bioidentical Hormones are and their use and effect on the body. Bioidentical Hormones are chemically and functionally identical to human hormones and are derived from plants, such as yam or soy. The body has the necessary enzymes to break down and metabolize these hormones. Bioidentical Hormones are designed to produce the same responses in the body as hormones made by the human body. Restoring and balancing hormones with Bioidentical Hormones is an individualized approach to hormone replacement. Bioidentical Hormones are custom made for each patient at special pharmacies and are available only by physician prescription.

Attaining Sufficient Levels of Hormones Through Hormone Therapy is Known to Help:

  • Control menopause symptoms
  • Increase energy
  • Look & feel younger
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve your mental shape
  • Weight loss
  • Improve your physical shape
  • Decrease wrinkles
  • Improve your sex life
  • Restore proper sleep patterns

Call 424-247-4962 to schedule your free 15 minute consultation in person or by phone

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I have been coming here nearly since the Southern California Center for Anti-Aging opened and the difference in how I look and feel compared to when I started is tremendous. The simple step of increasing my iron intake brought back the color that was missing from my skin! My husband thinks I look ten…
Dr. Goldstone is a knowledgeable endocrine and weight loss physician. I have appreciated her guidance and advice over the years. Trustworthy and effective health and anti-aging guidance.

— David Shor

Judi Goldstone, M.D.

Board Certified Internal Medicine
Dr. Judi Goldstone is both a board-certified physician and an expert in anti-aging and weight loss. She is dedicated to helping men and women attain their best possible health using the most up-to-date, advanced medical approaches.

Dr. Goldstone’s Bio

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